Special Education

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI) is an approach schools use to match individual students with the teaching practices and level of support that work best for them. While you may make a referral for a special education evaluation at any time, public schools serving students in grades K-5 are required to implement RTI before making a referral.

How it Works:

RTI is a three-tiered model. At each step, more support is offered to students who need it.

  • Tier 1: For all students. This is high-quality, differentiated instruction provided in a general education classroom.
  • Tier 2: May include small group instruction or additional instructional time.
  • Tier 3: More intensive instruction that may include materials or programs to target your child's needs.

Teachers using RTI will:

  • Use screening methods to assess your child's skills and behaviors.
  • Determine if your child needs more support than the instruction provided in general education.
  • Provide interventions as needed.
  • Monitor your child's progress to determine if the intervention is working and, if not, how it might need to be adjusted.